Dashboard Overview


  • The dashboard is the starting page of your Ledger Vault workspace after you sign in. It provides a quick overview on the key information in your workspace.

General sections

The following sections appear both on the Operator and Administrator dashboards.

Top navigation

Navigation Username

  • Displays your username, role, and workspace name.
  • sign out Allows you to sign out from your workspace.

Dashboard balances

Dashboard Balances

Available balance The account's balance minus the total amount of pending transaction requests and the expected max fees. This is the amount you can spend in your next transactions.
Total balance The total amount secured in your Ledger Vault workspace in US Dollars (USD).
Pending transactions The total amount of pending transaction requests and the expected max fees.

Top crypto assets of your workspace

This section displays the top 5 crypto assets secured in your workspace.

Top Crypto Assets

Last transactions

This section provides an overview of the last incoming and outgoing transactions in your workspace. To display more details, click on a transaction.

Top Crypto Assets

admin Administrator dashboard

The following sections appear on the Administrator dashboard only.


Workspace name Opens the workspace's dashboard.
Requests Lists all requests you need to process or have already processed. Go to the History tab for a list of all requests created in the workspace.
Accounts Lists all accounts created in the workspace. Click the name of an account to open its dashboard.
DApps List of the DApps currently available in Ledger Vault.
Users Lists all Administrators and Operators registered in your workspace. Create and manage them from this page.
Whitelists Lists all whitelist created in your workspace. You can create and manage them from this page.
Operations Lists all transactions created by Operators. You can review, filter and export the list of transactions to a CSV file from this page.
Settings Allows you to edit your workspace's admin rule and manage your Reporting API Keys.
Help center Opens the Ledger Vault's help center.

operator Operator dashboard

The following sections appear on the Operator dashboard only.


Workspace name Opens the workspace's dashboard.
Requests Lists all requests you need to process or have already processed.
Accounts Lists all accounts created in the workspace. Click the name of an account to open its dashboard.
DApps List of the DApps currently available in Ledger Vault.
Operations You can review, filter and export the list of your account's transactions to a CSV file from this page.
Send Allows you to create transactions in accounts you have access to.
Receive Allows you to generate receive addresses in accounts you have access to.
Contract Interaction Allows to interact with DeFi and explore smart contract functions to interact with them in an user friendly manner.
Help center Opens the Ledger Vault's help center.
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