Delete an entity

This article is for Administrators only.


  • You can delete an entity if you don't use it.
  • All accounts, members and groups linked to the entity will automatically be unlinked. They won't be deleted.
  • Deleting an entity is a permanent action that can't be undone.


  1. Go to the Entities tab at the top of the Accounts page.
  2. Click the name of the entity you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete next to the entity's name.
  4. After carefully reviewing the warning, click Confirm to finalize the request.


A Delete entity request is submitted for approval to all Administrators in the workspace. They do not need their device to approve the request.

What's next?

The entity will be deleted once the request is approved by the number of Administrators defined in the admin rule. All accounts, members and groups linked to the entity will automatically be unlinked.

See also