Create an entity

This article is for Administrators only.


  • Organize accounts under an entity.
  • Entities are useful to organize accounts based on your needs – whether it's to sort accounts per currency or group the accounts of a given client.


  1. Go to the Entities tab at the top of the Accounts page.
  2. Click Create entity .
  3. Enter a unique Entity name . This name must be less than 19 characters long and must not contain special characters.
  4. Select Entity accounts .
Users and groups that are linked to an account which is part of an entity have a View permission. They can access the entity, but they can only see the accounts that they are linked to. Only administrators will be able to see all the accounts in a given entity.
  1. Click Next .
  2. Click Create entity to finalize the request.


A Create entity request is submitted for approval to all Administrators in the workspace. They do not need their device to approve the request.

What's next?

The entity will be created once the request is approved by the number of Administrators defined in the admin rule.

See also