How to operate on Tradelink as an Asset Manager

Asset Manager Pledge/Unpledge Request Creation via UI

Collateral will be pledged by an Asset Manager who would like to trade on an Exchange that is part of the Tradelink network. This Exchange will provide a credit line based on assets pledged with the preferred Custodian. Each pledge request will require approval from the Exchange.

To initiate a pledge or unpledge request via the UI:

  1. Navigate to the account view page of your vault instance.
  2. Click on the Pledge or Unpledge action button.
  3. Follow the creation flow.
  4. Wait for pledge approval. Once approved, the Asset Manager will receive confirmation of pledge approval.
  5. If all of the above is successful, the Asset Manager is now ready to access the Exchange trading platform where an agreed trading line will be available for the Asset Manager to trade on.

Asset Manager Pledge/Unpledge Request Creation via API

As an API operator authorized to pledge on a Tradelink account, the Asset Manager will need to:

  1. Authenticate as an API Operator.
  2. Create a pledge increment/decrement request to lock assets against a liquidity provider (Exchange) on your collateral account.
  3. Amount can be positive or negative:
    • A positive amount means an increment, so we expect to pledge funds from the available balance of the collateral account
    • A negative amount means a decrement, so we expect to un-pledge funds (unlocking these funds from the Exchange and returning them to the available balance).
  4. The API operator (Asset Manager) will now need to sign the pledge increment request. Instructions on how to sign such a request can be found here .
  5. This will create a pledge increment request that will now need to be approved by the Exchange. Exchange pledge approval is described in the next section, link → here .
  6. Once approved the Asset Manager will receive a confirmation of pledge approval.
  7. If all of the above is successful, the Asset Manager is now ready to access the Exchange trading platform where an agreed trading line will be available for the Asset Manager to trade on.

Asset Manager Withdrawal Request

When an Asset Manager needs to access the balance in the collateral account, they can submit a request to withdraw assets. This request must be approved by the Custodian, as outlined in the governance rules established by the network administrator during the network setup. This request can be raised via:

  • The UI in the Collateral Account view.
  • The API.

IMPORTANT: By raising such a request the Asset Manager must ensure that there is sufficient available balance to withdraw that is not currently pledged. If the Asset Manager wants to withdraw assets that are currently pledged, a request for un-pledging of assets will need to be raised using the method described in the section above.

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