Monitoring External Exchange Accounts

This feature is currently available on demand. Please contact your Technical Account Manager for more information


  • Operators can access the dashboards of exchange accounts they've been granted access to.
  • Administrators can access the dashboards of all exchange accounts created in the workspace.

Overview tab


exchange actions
sync Allows you to synchronize the account's dashboard page with exchange. Please note that if you have a sync lower than 5min we will not re-sync.

Allows Operators to create a transfer from this exchange account.

Read more about transfers
Only operators can see this button.


exchange name
Top section

The top section displays the following information:

  • Type of exchange, for example binance
  • The last sync time of your balance and operations
  • The name given to the account
  • The status of the account, it can be active, pending, inactive or revoked

Balance section

exchange balance
Available balance The account's balance minus the total amount of pending transaction requests and the total locked amount. This is the amount you can spend in your next transactions.
Total balance

The total amount held on the Exchange in US Dollars (USD).

Pending transactions The total amount of pending transaction requests and their expected max fees. This amount will be withdrawn from the account once the requests have been approved.
Total locked

The total amount locked on the exchange, it can be in staking or in other types of sub-account, this depends on each exchange implementation.

Account assets

This section highlight all of the assets owned on the exchange account, you will also be able to see the assets unsupported by the vault yet available on your exchange account. (You can notice them with the icon ⚠️)

exchange asset history

Last Operation

This section provides an overview of the last incoming and outgoing operations in the exchange account. to display more details, click a operation. When an operation is initiated from the Ledger Enterprise, you will be able to see the history. On some exchanges we are able to track deeper operations and flag them as rewards or lock, this depends on the exchange granularity.

exchange history

Rules tab

This tab displays the transfer rules defined for the account. Administrators can click Edit in the top right corner to change them.

exchange txrules

Settings tab

exchange settings

Exchange Account name The name given to the account. Administrators can rename it by clicking Edit.
Exchange connection In case your credentials expire you can update your API key from this section.