Direct Access EVM Accounts


  • Direct Access is a mode of support where Ledger Enterprise Platform communicates directly with EVM networks. This method allows users to explore and interact with a broader array of blockchains without the need for them to be fully indexed on our platform.

EVM Accounts

acc dashboard

The growth and diversity of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible networks have created a multitude of opportunities for digital asset management. Ledger Enterprise is excited to introduce Direct Access to a wide range of EVM networks. This new feature allows our users to interact directly with these networks, create accounts, visualize balances, transact, and interact with DeFi and NFT applications.

Direct Access is a mode of support where Ledger Enterprise Platform communicates directly with EVM networks. This method allows users to explore and interact with a broader array of blockchains without the need for them to be fully indexed on our platform. With Direct Access, you can:

  • Create accounts on these newly supported networks (Arbitrum, Optimism, Fantom, Flare, Klaytn, Avalanche C-chain, as well as their testnets, Mumbai and Sepolia)
  • View your account balances for both parent and ERC20 children accounts
  • Perform basic asset transfers
  • Engage with DeFi and NFT applications on these networks

Please note that due to the nature of Direct Access (without full indexing), reporting capabilities are currently limited to outgoing transactions. Additionally, users should be aware of potential rate limitations on transactions that might impact their ability to perform actions rapidly or in high volumes. However, we plan on enabling Full Access on these networks in later iterations to provide comprehensive reporting and minimize such limitations. Until Full Access is available, users can use external tools, such as public explorers (e.g., ArbitrumScan), to retrieve additional information on their reporting.

Learn more on how to create this type of accounts here.